It's finally time for the most important option of them all... colors!
constchalk=require('chalk');require('better-logging')(console, { color: { base:chalk.greenBright, type: { debug:chalk.magentaBright, info:chalk.magentaBright, log:chalk.magentaBright,,, } },});// The type color decides the color of the word inside the "ctx.type" stamp.// By default the text "info" in this stamp, [info], is white, but now it can be any color you want (or that your terminal supports) :)
There are also some predefined color themes that you can use if you don't want to write your own.
const { Theme } = betterLogging;betterLogging(console, { color:Theme.dark});// Theme.dark // default// Theme.light// Theme.noColor // removes all color from messages